Whether you’re having unexpected company or just need to straighten up a bit, you can make your home look better on the fly.
Speed cleaning is a must for any busy mom. In just a matter of minutes, you can take your home from “a tornado hit the living room” to clean and tidy. Even better, if you train your entire family to help!
Let’s take a closer look at how to speed clean your house. It's actually faster to clean your whole home at a time rather than just focusing on one room at a time. Just focus on one task at a time for the whole house (or at the least the main areas that need to be presentable!).
Put Things Away
First things first, go around the room and gather items that don’t belong. You can use a bin with smaller bins inside that you use for each room. As you gather things, put them in the bin for the right room. You can then take each bin to the right room and deal with them when you clean that room. Gathering the clutter that has accumulated will make a huge difference.
Even better if you can set a timer and make it a game for your family to help put things away!
Use a Microfiber Cloth to Dust
A microfiber cloth is great for dusting. You can quickly wipe down surfaces and pick up doodads and dust those as well. It’s just so much faster to use a cloth than a duster. You don’t even have to spray any harsh chemicals. Just use the dry cloth and it will pick up the dust.
Wipe Down Counters
Use a cleaning wipe to quickly wipe down your counters in the kitchen and bathroom. It takes literally seconds to wipe up those spaghetti sauce splatters or toothpaste mess. But, it makes a big difference in how the room looks.
Vacuum and/or Sweep
It takes literally a couple minutes to vacuum and/or sweep a room. If you have hardwood floors, use a dust mop that has a microfiber head. In just a couple minutes your floors will look fabulous. The same goes for your living room. A quick vacuum of the rug or carpet will pick up any lint and pet hair, giving the room a fresh look.
Do a Quick “Mop”
Last, but not least, invest in a spray mop that lets you quickly wipe down the kitchen and entryway floors. A few quick sprays and swipes of the mop and the floors are good as new.
Speed cleaning will give the appearance of a clean a home. While this should never replace deep cleaning your home, speed cleaning will allow you to stay on top of your cleaning chores so that you don’t have to deep clean as often.
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