Every year after Christmas, I get the itch to declutter my house from top to bottom! I don't know if it's because so many new things enter my house during Christmas that I want to get an equal amount to also exit the house, but regardless, I start decluttering like a crazy woman.
However, it's easy to get off track and wonder what you need to do next (or get overwhelmed and want to quit!). Now, you can use this FREE 30 Day Declutter Plan Printable Checklist to help you stay on task and get all your decluttering done in just 30 days.
Just click on this link, and then you can either print or save the printable. If you want to use the printable every year, you can either bookmark this site to print a new copy or laminate your copy of the checklist and reuse it every year.
If you're looking for some decluttering and organizing ideas, I've got lots of them in my Get Organized category with some ideas for decluttering and organizing when you feel too tired and overwhelmed.
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