Your garage can actually be a great place to store everything from bikes to yard equipment. However, it can also be an overflowing nightmare of things you no longer wanted inside your home.
If your garage looks more like a storage unit than a garage, it may be time to do a bit of work. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best tricks for organizing your garage.
Remove Everything
Remember the old show Clean Sweep (loved that show!)? In each and every episode they completely cleared out a room and started from fresh. Everything was put on one big tarp and then sorted.
Is this a lot of work? Oh, yeah. But, the results are priceless. When you take everything out of the room, you can see it for what it is and be motivated to make it into something great.
Once everything is removed form your garage, sort it into piles. You could have trash, donate, sell, and one for items that belong elsewhere or aren’t even yours.
If you’re storing items for others, it’s time they got their space.
Be ruthless. Remember, you want your garage to be functional. You might even want to park your car in there one day (especially if you live in an area prone to hail storms like ours in Texas!).
Make It Pretty
No one said a garage had to be ugly. Add a coat of paint. Use wall decals. Paint your steps leading into your house so that it looks nice. This is a part of your home and can be made into an area where you actually like to spend time.
Create Zones
Once the sorting and painting are done, create zones in your garage that make sense. For example, if you have a workbench, make sure all the tools are placed in that area. You could even install some pegboard so that you have vertical storage.
Also remember that you can hang things like bikes from the ceiling. This is great during the off-season.
If you like to work in your yard, have a zone for all your yard equipment.
Install Lockers
Last, but not least, if you use your garage as the main entrance into your home, install lockers for each member of the family (kind of like a mudroom). This will be where they put their shoes, coats, etc. Instead of one big pile of clothes in your kitchen or laundry room, everything will be organized in everyone’s locker.
Your garage can be an area where you get projects done, store all your yard equipment, and even park your car. All it takes is a bit of hard work. You can even slap on a coat of paint to make the room pretty.
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