Wouldn’t you love to be one of those people whose home is perfectly organized? One of those people who seem to know where everything is? Heck, you may just be happy to find your keys when you need them. The truth is organized people are creatures of habit. Let’s take a closer look at things organized people do every day.
Use a Planner
Why is it that Janie is always on time for parent teacher conferences and never seems flustered by the umpteenth bake sale of the year? Chances are she’s using a planner. A planner can keep you on track and help you keep your appointments organized. When you use a planner properly, you’re less likely to overbook yourself and be out of sorts.
It doesn't have to be anything expensive. My go-to planner is my Google Calendar that syncs between my computer and my phone, so I can see it both when I'm at home and on the go on my phone.
Another thing organized people do is purge. It might be cleaning out their purse at the end of the day or decluttering their nightstand. Purging helps ensure that your home, workspace, and even your car don’t become cluttered. When you have too much stuff, you don’t have a place to put it and that becomes a problem.
Create a Place for Everything
Organized people have a place for everything. This means that when they are done with something, they can easily put it away because it has a home. When things in your home don’t have a place, your home becomes cluttered and disorganized. Take the time to create a space for everything in your home. If you have more items than you have space, you need to purge.
Break Down Big Projects
It can be easy to become flustered when dealing with a big project. This is why people who are organized break projects down into smaller projects. For example, let’s say you want to organize your overstuffed garage. That can be a big task that leaves you feeling overwhelmed. Start with purging your garage. If that task seems to large, start with purging one area of the garage. Create a plan and see it through.
Organized people also prioritize their day. This means that they create a list of things that need to be done and then schedule them based on their importance. Does this mean they get everything on their list done? Not necessarily. However, they are able to get the most important tasks done and focus on each task one at a time.
Organized people are no different from you or me. They just do things that help them stay on track. You will have a lot of work ahead of you if you decide to get organized, but once you get organized, you can do these things to stay organized.
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