We all know how important it is to budget our money. A budget can help us stay on track, live within our means, and even reach financial goals.
Unfortunately, it can be tempting to put all our money toward reaching those goals. If you’re not paying yourself fun money though, you’ll never stick to your budget. Let’s take a closer look at why you need to add fun money to your budget.
All Work and No Play…
You work hard for your money. It’s time you spend away from your family. A large number of people don’t even like their jobs. Some people are downright miserable at work. If you spend your day doing something you don’t even like, and never reward yourself, you will crash and burn. You’ll either get fed up with your job or your budget.
Chances are it will be your budget. Before you know it, you’ll have gone on a shopping spree and maxed out a credit card. Give yourself fun money so that you can find joy in the job you hate.
You’ll Be More Likely to Stick to Your Budget
You’re more likely to stick to your budget when you have money that you can spend on whatever you want. You’re completely okay with sending the rest of your money to pay bills and save for the future. That little bit of fun money is what you need to be financially successful. You may think that financial success can be found by putting every cent you earn toward bills but you’re wrong.
It’s Freeing
Last, but not least, it’s so freeing having that little bit of play money each week. It doesn’t matter what you spend that money on. Knowing that you have money you don’t have to spend on “adult” expenses allows to feel like a kid again. You can treat yourself for all that hard work you put in. Remember when it was fun to earn money babysitting or mowing lawns?
You need fun money in your budget. This is what keeps you on track. The ability to blow a set amount of money on whatever you want keeps you going. If you have trouble sticking to a budget, chances are you forgot to pay yourself. Always set aside part of your paycheck so that you can pay yourself. Otherwise, you’re going to be miserable.
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