I know that the teachers at my boys school teach for the love of their students and learning more than for their paycheck. They often have to spend money out of their own pocket to decorate the classroom and have basic supplies on hand. They also often spend time beyond the normal school day working on lesson plans and grading papers.
Although I hope that I show my appreciation for all they do throughout the school year, I like to take time during Teacher Appreciation Week to show them how much I appreciate them. You can go all out with gifts or even just write a simple note letting them know how much you appreciate them.
Here are some ideas of Teacher Appreciation Gifts that will fit any budget:
1. Coffee Lover's Gift Basket
If the teacher comes into work every morning with her travel mug filled with coffee, a coffee gift basket is a great idea. You can load it down with coffee, a new travel mug, different kinds of syrups and creamers, coffee mugs, and other coffee-related goodies. It's a gift basket that you can spend as much or as little as you like. You can even save money on some of the items by using coupons (especially for the coffee).
2. Tote Bag Filled with Supplies
A teacher's classroom budget is often much smaller than what he needs. This means that many of the supplies in his classroom were paid for with his own money. This year, give him a tote bag loaded down with everything from dry-erase markers to red pens for grading papers. It may not seem like a great gift to you, but it clears up his money for something else that he'd enjoy buying.
3. Personalized Candy Jar
Teachers that love candy often have a bowl of candy sitting on their desks. If you want to give her something she'll really enjoy, a personalized candy jar is a fun idea. You can order one or you can make your own with etching compound. Either way, personalize the candy jar and fill it with her favorite candy. It's something she'll keep on her desks for years to come.
4. Spa Basket
Teaching is a hard career that requires long days and long nights. A spa basket filled with bubble bath, scented candles, bath salts, and other pampering items will allow her to end her evenings in a relaxing way. You can find great bath products at your local big box store and you can find scented candles at the Dollar Tree. Again, you can spend as much or little as you want.
5. Wellness Basket
Last, but not least, every teacher can use a wellness basket. This basket should be filled with items that promote immunity, rest, and stress reduction. You can include vitamins, a journal, a sleep mask, tea, and any other items you think will help with his wellness. It's a touching gift basket that will show how much he's appreciated.
You don't have to spend a fortune to show your child's teacher how much you appreciate her. These gifts are great for any budget and will be well-received.
What about you? Do you have ideas of gifts on a budget that you've given in the past?
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