Road trips are a must during the summer months. It’s a great way to get away from everything without spending a lot of money. Of course, you do have to consider the cost of gas. Gas can be a large expense, especially if you’re driving for hundreds or thousands of miles. Thankfully, you can cut the costs. Let’s look at how to save money on gas on a road trip.
Get Your Car Serviced
First things first. If you’re going to be driving your own car, get it serviced before hitting the road. A well-maintained car is going to run better and use less gas than one that hasn’t been serviced. If your car is having to work harder, it will use more gas. Take the time to get your car completely serviced.
Consider Renting a Car
If you have a large SUV or your car is a bit on the older side, consider renting a car. Better yet, consider renting a hybrid or electric car. If those options aren’t available, look for options that have the best gas mileage. Yes, you will have the rental fee, but depending on the difference in gas mileage, you may save a lot of money.
Use Apps to Get the Best Prices
There are a number of great apps out there for tracking gas prices (like Gas Buddy). These apps will help you find the best prices in your area. Before you fill up, check the app to make sure you’re getting the best price possible.
Get Cash Back on your Gas Purchases
There's a new app called Upside that you can join to get cash back on your gas purchases with every gas purchase. You'll get a 15 cent per gallon bonus the first time you fill up after you join and you can see how much cash back you'll earn at various gas stations around you.
Be Smart When Filling Up
If your vehicle has a large gas tank, only fill your tank to half full. It may sound crazy, but when your tank is completely full, you create more weight, which causes your engine to work harder and use more gas. Obviously, this isn’t a tip you want to use when driving in rural areas where you may not see another gas station for hundreds of miles.
Let Your GPS Find the Faster Route
Last, but not least, let your GPS lead the way – the fastest way. Go into the settings and choose for your GPS to select the fastest route. When you cut miles, you cut the amount of gas used. Stick to highway and interstate driving so that you’re not doing the constant stop and start of driving in city traffic.
A road trip doesn’t have to be expensive. You can cut so many expenses, including the cost of gas.
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