Do you love to save money, but have a spouse that seems to love throwing money away? There are things you can do to help get your spouse on board with a budget. Yes, it might take some bribing and crunching the numbers, but it can be well worth it in the end. Let's take a closer look at how you can get your spouse to cooperate.
Decide on a Big Purchase You Both Want
Okay, so sometimes dealing with your spouse is a lot like dealing with your kids, and you need to bribe your spouse to get what you want.
Sit down with your spouse and decide on something you'd both love to have. It might be a vacation or even a new TV. Now ask him the hard question. Where will the money come from? Show how one less video game per week or eating out less often for lunch can make a huge difference in reaching that goal.
Show Your Spouse How Cutting Expenses Can Give You More Money Each Month
Sometimes the expenses don't seem like a big deal. Show your spouse how getting rid of your satellite package can save you some serious money. Most families spend $150 a month on satellite service. That's $1,800 a year. Show your spouse the amount and how it could be used towards buying whatever it was you both wanted (also be sure to tell him how he can watch TV for a small fraction of the price thanks to Roku or Fire TV). The more expenses you're able to cut back on, or cut out all together, the better.
Face the Scary Facts Together
Your spouse may not want to think about the scary thoughts of what would happen if the roof sprung a leak or the car needed to be fixed. Sit down and talk about it. You need your spouse to understand the importance of an emergency fund. It helps to have estimates of what things would cost to fix so that your spouse understands how important it is.
Do the Math on the Cost of Debt
Last, but not least, if your spouse loves to break out the credit card for every purchase, and never pays the bill off each month, show him the true cost of that debt. You can find a number of calculators online that will allow you to plug in the balance, interest rate, and amount paid each month to determine how much you're paying in interest on your balance.
If you want to have more money at the end of each month, follow these tips to get your spouse on board with a budget. It will take some serious conversations and may even lead to a couple arguments, but, if you're living week to week, it needs to be done.
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