There are a number of reasons to have a lot of stuff. You may be sentimental and hate getting rid of things or you may be a collector.
Whatever the reason, it’s no excuse to be unorganized. There are things you can do to clear the clutter and get your possessions under control. Let’s look at how to get organized when you have too much stuff.
Purge, Purge, Purge
You may think that every item in your home is precious, but chances are you have a lot of stuff that isn’t. You may have a lot of items that you’re holding on to because they belonged to someone you love or hold a special place in your heart. Unless you love the item itself, you don’t need it. You’ll always have the memories. Donate the items so that someone can get use out of them.
Group Like Items
One way to get your items under control is to group like items. This will make your home instantly look better. You’ll also know where everything is and know how to find it. A great example is books. If you have a lot of books, gather them all into one room. Once they're all together, you may decide you have way too many and find some additional books to purge.
Purchase Storage Containers That Meet Your Needs
Many people make the mistake of buying storage containers but not buying the right ones. You want storage containers that are the right size and work for your needs. Consider what you’re storing, how much you have, and any special needs the containers must have, such as being airtight.
Create Displays of Collections
If you’re a collector, take the time to display your collections. This will look so much better than having your collection scattered throughout your home. You’ll be able to enjoy the pieces and make your home look good in the process.
Switch Out Collections
Last, but not least, if you have a very large collection, or collect different things, consider switching out your collections. You can take one collection down and put in storage, so you can display something else. This allows you to enjoy your entire collection and have something new to look at from time to time.
You may have a lot of stuff, but you can still get organized. You can even display your collections. All it takes is a bit of time and being willing to change items out from time to time so some of your items are in storage rather than on display.
Gary logsdon says
This article was refreshing to read for a pack rat procrastinator like myself. Now let's see if I will move forward with it!
Thank you,