Right now, you can download Happily Ever After Kindle book written by Jenn Faulk for FREE from Amazon.
Cammie Evans was a girl with a plan from the moment God called her to be a foreign missionary. After several years spent all over the world, though, she finds herself with a new assignment that leaves her questioning all that she once thought to be true about life, love, and calling.
David Connor was always the weird kid in the youth group, never destined to live up to his father's expectations. After several years of working to find his own significance in Christ and his calling as a foreign missionary, he finds himself asking hard questions about who he is and what God wants from him.
As their lives change and the past becomes part of the present, can Cammie and David help one another find their own happily ever after?
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Between the FREE books from Amazon and Kindle books I've checked out from the library, I've been having so much fun reading on my iPad. I really thought I wouldn't like not having a physical book, but I love it.
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