If you're interested in saving money on school supplies or saving money on back-to-school clothes, one way you can save is by shopping during your state's sales tax holiday.
This weekend is a big one with sales tax holidays in several states often on back to school related items. School sales tax holidays by state include:
Alabama: August 7-9
Clothing – up to $100, computers -up to $750, school supplies – up to $50, books- up to $30
Arkansas: August 1-2
Clothing – up to $100, school supplies
Connecticut: August 16-22
Clothing and footwear – up to $100
Florida: August 7-16
Clothing – up to $100, school supplies – up to $15, Computers - up to $750
Georgia: July 31-August 1
School supplies - up to $20, clothing - up to $100, computer - up to $1,000
Iowa: August 7-8
Clothing – up to $100
Louisiana: August 7-8
All tangible personal property - up to $2,500
Maryland: August 9-15
Clothing and footwear – up to $100
Mississippi: July 31-August 1
Clothing and footwear - up to $100
Missouri: August 7-9
Clothing – up to $100, computers – up to $3,500, school supplies – up to $50
New Mexico: August 7-9
Clothing – up to $100, computers – up to $1,000, computer equipment - up to $500, school supplies – up to $30
Ohio: August 7-9
Clothing - up to $75, school supplies - up to $20, instructional material - up to $20
Oklahoma: August 7-9
Clothing – up to $100
South Carolina: August 7-9
Clothing, school supplies, computers, other
Tennessee: August 7-9
Clothing – up to $100, school supplies – up to $100, computers – up to $1,500
Texas: August 7-9
Clothing, backpacks, and school supplies – up to $100
Virginia: August 7-9
Clothing – up to $100, school supplies - up to $20
Please note: Alaska, Delaware, New Hampshire, Montana and Oregon are always sales tax free and clothing is not taxed at any time during the year in Pennsylvania and Minnesota
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