Did you know that stores work hard to get you to spend more money? You may think that you’d never fall for such things, but chances are you do. Whether it’s the endcap “sale” or cozy atmosphere, stores have a lot of ways to trick you into spending more money.
Endcap “Sales”
We’ve been led to believe that items placed on an endcap are always a great deal. Unfortunately, they’re not. Usually brands have paid big bucks for prominent placement on endcaps. While some stores do place their sale items on endcaps, not all do. Check the price carefully before loading up.
10 for $10 Sales
This is so easy to fall for. You see the sale and think, “Wow, these are only a $1 each? I’ll grab a cart full.” However, upon closer inspection, you may find that the regular price is only $1.09 or something very close to $1 each. Look at the regular price before you go crazy. Sometimes it’s a good deal, sometimes it’s not.
The same goes for items at the dollar store. Some items may actually cost less than $1 elsewhere, but you think it's a great deal because everything is a dollar.
Larger Packages
Another way stores have tricked us is to make us believe that the larger size is always cheaper. Wrong. You want to carefully check the price per ounce, unit, etc. to discover which package is truly cheaper. It's pretty easy to check at the grocery store, since many price labels on the shelves calculate the per unit price for you.
Different Unit Prices
This is so frustrating. You go to check the price per unit and find that one price is listed by ounce while another is by pound or unit. Always pull out your smartphone or calculator and check to see which price is better by using the same calculations, such as ounces for each.
Stores also often use tactics that make you think if you don’t act now you’re going to miss out. Don’t fall for it. There will always be another sale. In fact, the price may be even better next week. Only buy something because you truly need it or want it – not because someone tricked you into it.
This is one that's difficult for me! It's hard for me to pass up a good deal, and I hate when I don't have time to think about it.
Cozy Atmosphere
Have you ever been in those stores that smell amazing and have the perfect lighting? They may even offer you a beverage or snack. The music may also make you smile. It’s all to get you to spend more time – and money – in the store.
Product Placement
Whether it’s eye-level shelves with the most expensive products or inexpensive impulse buys at the register, product placement is key to tricking you into spending more money. Be sure to scan the entire shelf, rather than just focusing on eye-level shelves to find the best prices.
Last, but not least, free items are there to trick you into spending more money. For example, it might be a free makeup kit with a $50 perfume purchase or free shipping when you spend $25 or more. If you’re going to make the purchase anyway, free items are great. But don’t spend more money just to get the freebies.
Stores will try every legal trick in the book to get you to spend more money. Be a smart shopper and don’t fall for it.
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