Valentine’s Day has grown into an overblown obsession with showing your spouse that you love them more than others love their spouse. It’s time to stop. If you want to live a happier life, it begins when you stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to show your spouse you love them. Let’s look at some Valentine’s date ideas on a budget.
See a Discount Movie and Have a Laid Back Dinner
There are still theaters out there that show movies for a dollar. These movies are older, but who cares? You’re getting out of the house and spending some time with your spouse. Instead of following up the movie with an expensive dinner, why not choose somewhere laid back? You don’t have to go to a steakhouse that has $50 steaks. Why not choose somewhere like Outback Steakhouse or another steakhouse that is less expensive or has specials.
Recreate Your First Date
Chances are you didn’t have a lot of money when you started dating. Recreate that date. This is going to be a lot more special than spending a lot of money in a fancy restaurant. If you saw a movie on your first date, see if you can find it on Netflix or another streaming service. Talk about a sweet date night.
Create a Romantic Dinner at Home
There’s something really romantic about cooking a meal together. Get in the kitchen with your spouse and make your favorite meal together. This will be a lot less expensive than going out to eat. This means you can plan a fancier menu, if you like, but it’s not necessary. Turn on some romantic music and enjoy your time together.
Take a Class Together
There are so many classes you can take together. Many of these classes are offered through craft shops, restaurants, and community colleges. Choose something you both find interesting. It might be painting, cooking, or even a photography class.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money on Valentine’s Day. There are so many Valentine’s date night ideas that you can do on a budget. It might cooking a romantic dinner at home and then having a night of board games or you might go out to see a movie. Whatever your budget, there’s something romantic you can do. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.
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