Centsable Momma

FREE Kindle Book: Throne of Grace (Cliff Walk Courtships Book 1)

Right now, you can download Throne of Grace (Cliff Walk Courtships Book 1) Kindle book written by Cecily Wolfe for FREE from Amazon.

About the book:

Josie is content as a maid in a rich cottager's mansion along the Cliff Walk of beautiful Newport, Rhode Island, but the arrival of her employer's handsome, pensive son tempts her into a relationship that while chaste, is forbidden between their social classes in the Gilded Age of 1893. 

After travels abroad have led Arthur in search of a deeper connection with his Lord, he returns home to find love with his mother's maid, a Christian girl with a heart full of love and charity.  Can they overcome their families' refusal to accept their attachment, or is their relationship doomed from their very first meeting on the romantic Cliff Walk?

Please note: Kindle prices tend to change quickly, so be sure to check that the total still says $0.00 before you "purchase" it.  If you do accidentally purchase a Kindle book after the price has increased, you do have a short amount of time to request a refund from Amazon.

Between the FREE books from Amazon and Kindle books I've checked out from the library, I've been having so much fun reading on my iPad.  I really thought I wouldn't like not having a physical book, but I love it.

If you're interested in additional Kindle freebies, you can check out the current FREE Kindle books.

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