Centsable Momma

Day 8: Create a Homemade Holiday Gift Plan {30 Days to Get Ready for Christmas}

In my quest for a slower and more meaningful December spent with friends and family, I plan on completing 30 Days of tasks to get ready for Christmas before Thanksgiving...and I invite you to join me.

Day 8: Create a Homemade Holiday Gift Plan

So once you have your list of homemade holiday gifts that you plan to make, today's the day to create a game plan for getting your gifts completed before the holidays without stress.

You don't have to create and finish your gifts today, but rather create a shopping list for the items that you need to purchase to make the gifts and then break each step of your gift down into small tasks with a due date, with the goal for completing all homemade gifts by Thanksgiving (if possible).

My Holiday Gift Game Plan:

As I mentioned yesterday, I create a homemade photo calendar for my parents and in-laws each year.  And each year, I end up frantically trying to finish the calendar in time for the shipping deadline.  Last year, I made the last-minute shipping deadline with a mere 2 minutes to spare before the midnight cutoff!  That's not going to happen this year.

I'm going to break the tasks down into mini-steps with clear deadlines:

It makes the entire process seem much easier to break it out by task.  And I love the thought of having it complete to early!

What about you?  What homemade gifts do you plan to make?

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