Centsable Momma

Day 25: Wrap/Mail your Gifts {30 Days to Get Ready for Christmas}

In my quest for a slower and more meaningful December spent with friends and family, I plan on completing 30 Days of tasks to get ready for Christmas before Thanksgiving...and I invite you to join me.

Day 25: Wrap/Mail your Gifts

Don't you hate it when you wait until the last minute to wrap your gifts and you are scrambling to get them wrapped before Christmas Day?  Or if you mail gifts to friends and family, have you ever waited in a long line at the post office to find out that you have to pay extra for Priority Shipping to get the item there before Christmas?

Today is the day to start wrapping the gifts you've already purchased.  If you wrap a few each day, it won't seem like a huge chore to get them done.

Today is also the day to at least start thinking about mailing your gift packages.  If you don't have all the gifts purchased quite yet, at least check the deadline with the post office.  Unfortunately as I write this, I just realized that I already missed the Parcel Post military deadline...oops!  Don't make my mistake and make sure you have your gifts to the post office in time to ship them in the cheapest way possible.

Our Holiday Mailings:

We have extra family to send gifts to this year, since we moved away from my in-laws.  I typically like to shop Amazon for out-of-town gifts, since I can get FREE 2-day shipping and have the gifts sent directly to the recipient.  I usually just ask someone else in the family to wrap the gift for me to avoid paying for wrapping.

This year, I have some fun gifts for my nephews and one niece that I will have to mail out.  So, I'm going to get on the ball and send them out before I miss anymore shipping deadlines.

What about you?  Do you have a lot of gifts to mail?  Or are all your recipients local?

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