Centsable Momma

Day 19: Create Holiday Baking Shopping List {30 Days to Get Ready for Christmas}

In my quest for a slower and more meaningful December spent with friends and family, I plan on completing 30 Days of tasks to get ready for Christmas before Thanksgiving...and I invite you to join me.

Day 19: Create Holiday Baking Shopping List

Now that you have a holiday baking plan, you want to slowly gather the supplies that you'll need.

First, you want to inventory your pantry to see which supplies you already have on hand and then create a shopping list for the rest of the supplies that you will need for your baking.

Rather than take the budget hit all in one week, try to stock up on items on your baking list as they go on sale and when you have a coupon for them.  Before Thanksgiving and Christmas are great times to stock up on baking supplies, since retailers tend to discount them then.

Our Holiday Baking Shopping List:

Since I don't bake a ton for the holidays, I don't have a lot I need to stock up on since most of my recipes use the basic supplies that I already have in my pantry.  However, the items that I do need have been added to my list, and I'm going to purchase them when they are at rock-bottom prices.

What about you?  Do you have a shopping list for your baking supplies or do you keep most items on hand already?

I apologize for posting this late - I had internet issues this morning and in my frustration, it totally slipped my mind.

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