Centsable Momma

20 Clever Ways to Use Lemons Around Your Home

You might think that lemons are just for lemonade or adding flavor to your water.  But, there are so many ways that you can use lemons around your house that you might start buying them in bulk from now on!

Lemons can be used for many different things around your home - from cleaning your microwave to removing soap scum in your shower, and even boosting energy and your mood!  Let's check out these unexpected ways to use lemons in your home.

Clean your Microwave 

Fill a microwave bowl ¾ of the way full of water. Then take a lemon and squeeze some juice into the water. Microwave on high for 4-5 minutes. Let it sit for ten minutes. Carefully remove the bowl and wipe away the food and grime inside the microwave. The water and lemon steam and freshen up the inside and make cleaning a breeze.

Freshen the Fridge 

Add some lemon juice to a sponge and place on a shelf in the fridge. Leave it for a few hours and then remove the sponge.  This will pick up any odors in the fridge.

Cutting Boards

If your cutting boards have an odor, use some lemon. It will help sanitize and freshen the board.

Just rub the board with half of a lemon and let it sit for 4-5 minutes.  Then wash and rinse the cutting board. This will help to get rid of strong odors like onions, garlic, and other strong odored foods.

Remove Stains from Butcher Blocks

If you have a coffee ring or berry stains on your butcher block, simply rub ½ a lemon onto the stained area. Let it sit for a few minutes, and then sprinkle a little table salt. Use the lemon as a scrubber and rub the salt around on the butcher block to pull the stain out.

Garbage Disposal

If you have a garbage disposal, simply save any leftover lemon peels, and toss them down the drain while it is running. This will help freshen and clean your disposal.

You can do every month. You can freeze lemons until your're ready to use them.  Let them thaw and then toss it in the disposal.

Freshen Air

Take around half a dozen lemon slices and toss in a pot with some water. Throw in a few handful of cloves and let it simmer away. It will fill your home with a wonderful scent and freshen your air.

Potatoes and Cauliflower from Browning

If you are going to be cooking potatoes or cauliflower, toss a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice in the cooking water to keep your veggies white.

Rice from Sticking 

If you have struggled with clumpy, sticky rice, try this: when cooking the ricer, add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to the boiling water. Then fluff rice with a fork before serving.

Freshen Plastic Containers

If you have a plastic container or bowl that has a funk, rub a lemon half all over the inside of the container. Wash and rinse and the scent should be gone.

Acne and Blackheads

If you have acne, just apply lemon juice to the blackheads or zits in the morning. This will help draw them out throughout the day. You can also wash your face with lemon juice if you want.

Lemon Water

Lemon water is great to drink to boost your mood and relieve stress and depression. Just add lemon slices to water and store in the fridge for a few hours before drinking.

Cold Relief

If you have a cold, flu or allergies, consider drinking warm lemon water. It can reduce phlegm and give you a good boost of vitamin C.


Massage two tablespoons of lemon juice into your scalp. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse it out. You can repeat this daily.

Poison Ivy Relief

Apply lemon juice to the affected area of poison ivy to help relieve the itch and alleviate the rash.

Fruit and Vegetable Wash

Cut fruit and toss them into a bowl of water, with 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice. Let them set for 30 minutes and then rinse fruits and veggies.

This will help remove dirt and pesticides from the produce. Just be sure to pat dry the fruit and veggies to keep them from molding. It works great on berries, cherries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and more.

Age Spots

If you have some age spots, grab some lemon juice! It will help lighten up your age spots and even freckles.

Just apply a small amount of lemon juice to the area and let it sit for 15 minutes.  Then rinse your skin. You can do this every couple of days.

Bleach Delicate Fabrics

Simply soak delicate fabrics in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda, to brighten them. I recommend soaking for ½ an hour, and then wash like normal. Be sure to test an area to make sure there are no issues with color.

Boost Laundry

Add 1 cup of lemon juice to  the washer during the wash cycle for your whites. This will help remove stains and leave your clothes a little brighter. It also is great at deodorizing stinky clothes.

Deodorize Humidifier

Need to freshen up a smelly humidifier? Just pour 4 tablespoons of lemon juice into the water, and run the humidifier like normal. It will remove odors and freshen things up. You can do this once a month.

Freshen Fireplace

If you burn wood in your fireplace, toss in a few lemon peels while it is burning. This will help freshen the air and remove that strong burning wood odor.

How do you use lemons?  Did I forget any of your favorite tricks?

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